Everyday Smoothie (Seriously, Everyday)

Published: January 14, 2024

I’ve been eating this smoothie almost everyday for years now. It’s delicious, filling, and simple to make. I like to use Fairlife 2% Milk and Orgain Vanilla Bean Protein Powder, but you could easily substitute Almond or Soy Milk and your preferred Protein Powder.

This smoothie is a power house of ingredients that I find keeps me full until lunch most days. 

I like my smoothies on the thicker side, but not chunky, and have learned the art of layering to help it blend well. I’ve found it’s best to add the liquid ingredients first and layer up to the frozen berries. Doing this allows the blender to mix the watery base ingredients before chopping into the thicker frozen berries and ensures a smoother texture.


1 cup Milk (or Milk Substitute)

2 cups Spinach (or Spinach / Lettuce mix)

1/4 cup Plain non-fat Greek Yogurt

2 scoops of Protein Powder

1/2 teaspoon of Chia Seeds

1 Banana

1/2 cup Frozen Blueberries

1/4 cup Frozen Strawberries

1/4 cup Frozen Raspberries

Make It:

First, layer ingredients in a Blender in the order listed. 

Next, pulse blend few times until milk and spinach start to blend together.

Lastly, blend until desired consistency. Pour into your favorite smoothie cup and enjoy. 

Seriously, so easy to make!

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